Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Screw You Meter Maid!

I live in a small town, but for some reason...on weekdays, it costs me a $1 to park my car. Now some of you may think, "Oh no! Not a dollar, get over it." But when you work in a shitty mexican restaurant like I do, where you make $6 dollars a day, and gas is $3.25 a gallon, you'd care. I'm starting to think I'd be better off in a sweat shop in Korea.

Anyway, the other day I neglected to put enough money into the parking meter, because I had run out of quarters. This wasn't the first time I've ran out of giant silver coins, so I figured I'd be alright...seeing as the most I've ever worked on a Tuesday is 3 hours. Well when I shuffle my way into work, I noticed that I'm working with a bunch of new waitresses, none of which no how to make any drinks. So I get to be last off...great. Finally, I get out of work and I happen to notice, the meter maid walking about. To be honest, I didn't even think twice about it. So I stroll up to my car and what do I find? A big neon yellow ticket hanging onto my windshield. Not only did this asshole write me a ticket for 10 bucks, but he neglected to put it in a sleeve and it was raining outside. Asshole. So, I take my ticket and attempt to call someone that may be able to take care of it...a.k.a-Dad. No luck there either. Whatev, I'll pay the ticket.

Onto today, I'm sitting at work...and I see the meter maid, oh and did I mention that the meter maid is a tall husky MAN. I just thought that was a bit comical...I mean come on, he doesn't even get to carry a gun, just small yellow manly. What a bitch. So I see him walking about and he stops to eat at the restaurant. It happens to be my turn for a table, my already genius mind starts plotting for revenge. He sits down and orders the soft taco lunch with sour cream. Oh man...was this going to be good. I go into the back to grab his sour cream for his amazing mexica fiesta lunch, and I just happen to remember some diet pills I have in my purse. These are not just any diet pills, they are pretty much laxatives, and they happen to be white...just like sour cream. Muahahaha, I crushed a few of those bad lads into pieces, but as I was scheming the cook walks in and catches me. After I started to talk, he cuts me off and says that he made the meter man..excuse me...meter maid's food "extra special." Apparently, the same cop threatened to stick a boot on his car for not paying tickets. So tonight, will be a special night, for the good ole ticket happy meter maid that is slapping shit on all of our cars.

Don't fuck with the people who make your food...didn't his mother tell him that?



Ryan said...

Meter Maid Men are pussies.

Now I am completely paranoid about eating out. Thanks a lot. I'm going to start tipping waitresses before they even take my order so this doesn't happen.

Joseph Massey said...

I had no idea Playboy University provides a course in "food sabotage" -- you're a dangerous woman!


Joe (Ryan's friend) Massey